Thursday, February 26, 2015

How do TWIN FLAMES know each other?

Unfolding into One

Part of the growing awareness that we are All One is the introduction of TWIN FLAMES to each other.  It is happening now at an increasing rate because well, honestly folks, it’s Time.  People are being spiritually awoken like fireworks all over the world.  Many people are being born already awakened with the innate ability of empathy and other intuitive gifts available and wide opened to them.  This growing awakening is becoming more prominent in the greater awareness of humanity due to the increase of our internet connection, the ether connection.  The awareness of TWIN FLAMES and other types of awakenings are parts of this process to unfold into the awareness of All-One.

Recognizing Yourself In Your TWIN FLAME

Because TWIN FLAMES hold the same vibrational personality schematics in two different and complimentary counterparts, they are either attracted and/or repelled by each other, but there is always a fascination they have with one another.  Think of the dance between the moth and the flame.  Think of TWIN FLAMES as star-crossed lovers, for indeed they are.  TWIN FLAMES are the heroes and heroines of yore, the great mystics and spiritual leaders, poetic lovers and paladins, princes and paupers alike, but always with that Eternal Flame of their Divine Beloved nestled deeply within.  The recognition and connection TWIN FLAMES have with each other is palpable and people around them can feel this energy also.   

To be clear: There is only one other person that is the perfect vibrational match of someone who is a TWIN FLAME.  If you are a TWIN FLAME, you will know this beyond the shadow of a doubt.  There is absolutely no question in your heart about it.  But do beware of FALSE TWIN FLAMES. 

TWIN FLAMES have been blessed with an amazing gift of un-censorship with one another.  TWIN FLAMES are not going to be able to hide from each other any secret whatsoever; be prepared for this raw exposure you will discover with each other.  TWIN FLAMES are connected on such a deep and profound level that they must be aligned and in harmony within themselves before they can stand (to be) with the other.

TWIN FLAMES are the perfect polarization of one another, meaning that if one is imbalanced too far one way, the other is off-kilter to the same degree in the opposite direction.  This will show up in different ways with different pairs of TWIN FLAMES.  This mindfulness shift often has to do with letting go of one’s false sense of ego and stepping into one’s sacred and divine power.  

Because TWIN FLAMES have this incredible, innate ability to reflect back what may have become imbalanced with titillating perfection, it becomes rather irritating to be around each another when TWIN FLAMES are together and not harmonious independently within themselves.  This intimate and reflective process is what quickly evolves the self into getting back into alignment, thus preparing the foundation of unity between the pair of TWIN FLAMES.  Such a unified foundation is necessary to enable the Divine Love and SACRED SEXUALITY required for greater healing to occur from the trauma incurred both individually and on a much grander scale for humanity.

Dispelling the Romantic Myth of Twin Flame Unions

All We Need Is Love

It’s no secret that all we really need and want is love.  We sing of love in pithy, pious songs and in the re-telling of age-old stories; we see it riddled and writhing in religion and hear its unanimous beats in patriotism.  In fact, all of us have long been steeped in the notion that “True Love Conquers All.”  This saying is so well entrenched in our collective consciousness that it has become the most scrutinized story-line in human history.  From uni-bombers to Christ to Romeo and Juliette: what else would we die for, if not for love?

Love has seemed elusive in our world.  We see atrocities, riots, racism, inequalities, ecological disasters, oppression, exploitation, and more each and every day on small and large scales.  We cry in fear for what is and what is to come and spend money on some hopeful prevention that temporarily salves our wary and distrustful heart, then turn on a story to distract us further from our troubles and think of pleasanter things like having a Soul-mate or One True Love that will take us away from this misery.

Because we crave love so much, many people are completely enamored with the idea that is surfacing into our awareness of TWIN FLAMES.  Many people imagine a “happily-ever-after” scenario, waltzing off into the sunset together, forgetting this world altogether in one’s blissful bubble of love that will be unscathed by the world when once they are re-united.  TWIN FLAMES are more than this.


Imagine there is a complete other version of yourself, the same “personality vibration” as you are, but in a polarized way.  There is only one other person that embodies that same tonality as your core essence, and that person is your TWIN FLAME.  One of you carries a stronger masculine presence and one of you carries a stronger feminine presence within you that is the very same resonance in soul frequency to the other person.  If they are imbalanced within themselves, it really ticks the other one off or scares them or somehow pushes them away from each other.  When each are harmonized and balanced independently of one another, then the attraction is unstoppable and all the forces in the Universe will pull them together.  This union, when in harmony and alchemized in the physical, will create such a Divine presence of love that it will profoundly heal our world.

People are scrambling to find their TWIN FLAMES and climbing all over each other to connect and see if that is The One!  This is also attracting some predator type people, so please, for heaven’s sake, be savvy and discerning when you start opening your beautiful, vulnerable, love-seeking selves up because honestly and truly: Most people are not TWIN FLAMES.

You may want to sit back and thank your lucky stars that you’re not on the journey of the TWIN FLAME and here is why:

Being a TWIN FLAME is not for the faint of heart. 

“To whom much is given, much shall be expected.”

This axiom rightly applies to TWIN FLAMES.  

TWIN FLAMES have come to break open and shine light on the world’s broken systems.  TWIN FLAMES have come to re-forge the paradigms of how we relate to each other.  TWIN FLAMES are now actively being woken up in our world.  TWIN FLAMES are being called to openly and lovingly heal ancient atrocities caused by imbalances of power that have occurred lifetime over lifetime for generations upon generations.  These abusive, non-loving patterns are so heavily engrained in our collective psyche that it is taking incredible energy and fortitude to start this paradigm shift and reprogram how we relate to everything.

This is not an easy path to pave.  To effectively instigate and then be able to maintain with integrity the huge shift required for healing our world, one must undergo some magnificent training and understanding.  One must experience to gain greater awareness and thus have empathy for all of the profound planes and profane perspectives of the abuses of power that we are getting ready to bust open and heal.  The only way to really heal anything is through true, Divine Love.  Hate never ceases through hate.  

To be able to hold the Divine Love it takes to heal these ancient wounds, one must be able to rise into such a state of purity and awareness that it is being called Christ Consciousness.  It can also be called the state of Nirvana.  TWIN FLAMES are thus currently being called upon to attain and embody this state of purity of being.

What does it mean to be a TWIN FLAME?

It means you have come into this life with the abilities, skill sets and experiences to overcome the worst and most painful crimes against humanity by living through it and becoming the shining example of how to balance love and power in all relationships with integrity and without the oppression of control or the tether of expectation.

How many people can do this without feeling the weight of shame or guilt for taking part in this game of humanity’s evolution?  How many of us can rise up from the ashes of our ancestors who have been burned or hanged or mutilated, exploited, abused and raped while yet maintaining the dignity and integrity of divine angelic sovereignty when holding these, our collective crimes, accountable to be purified by the Light of Love and not through retribution and vengeance?  Hate never ceases through hate.

Raise your hand if you still want to be on the journey of the TWIN FLAME now.

The TWIN FLAME reunion is the hardest and last challenge in this world.  The TWIN FLAME reunion is the culmination of our lives’ work, all wrapped up in the Divine Plan to raise the level of humanity’s awareness of how intimately and collectively we are connected to each other.  It calls us to become the manifestation of the Divine, which is no easy lot in a world where we are so used to abuse and mistrust of each other.

Because there has been torn huge gaping rifts in the balance of power between perceived differences in gender, age, race and belief systems for millennia now, this coming together and realizing that we’re All One is going to be very painful.  Humanity must face its own charges against itself. We all understand how unsustainable life has become here on a myriad of fronts.  Welcome to the New Age of Enlightenment.  Nothing will be left in the dark any longer.

Nothing will be left unseen when we are All One. 

All of the deepest, most painfully weeping wounds will be exposed.  All of the pain we have experienced will no longer be able to be hidden and ignored.  Balance will be restored.  It is inevitable.   You see how what we are living is unsustainable, don’t you?  This is why TWIN FLAMES are here now, to help balance the scales and bring us back to our Sovereign Divinity. 

The TWIN FLAME’S True Mission: Calling us all to Step It Up! That is what it means to Raise the Vibration!  TWIN FLAMES ARE TO BE THE EMBODIMENT OF DIVINE LOVE!

The TWIN FLAME journey is a huge responsibility, a huge honor, a huge undertaking.  We are soul-prepared, but we definitely need to support each other and we can all help do that with our various skill-sets, devotion and love.  This movement and shift into higher mindfulness and greater awareness is not meant for us to be doing individually, but as a collective.  We Are One.

TWIN FLAMES are here to open up, shed light on and rebuild our broken systems:
·         Financial Systems,
·         Education Systems,
·         Government Systems,
·         Healthcare Systems

TWIN FLAMES are here to crack open and hold accountable and heal our inheritance of:
·         Sexual Abuse,
·         Child Abuse,
·         Elder Abuse,
·         Domestic Violence,
·         Incest,
·         Addictions,
·         All Levels of Prejudice and Social Imbalance,
·         Religious Indoctrination,
·         Alcoholism and Drug Abuse,
·         Animal Abuse,
·         Ecological Raping and Pillaging,
·         Oppression, Control, Manipulation, Exploitation and Bullying,
·         Slavery
·         War
·         Complacency
And MUCH More!!!!

Because TWIN FLAMES have this uncanny knack for being able to See and recognize each other as reflection of the same soul self, TWIN FLAMES are better able to understand the interconnectedness that we all have for each other.  This awareness enables TWIN FLAMES to progressively dismantle the broken systems and find the strength to shine light on all that needs healing with immense Divine Love.