Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Blessings of Golden Gate Park

Frequented by hippies and artists for generations, Golden Gate Park has been romantically referenced in many songs and poems, and continues to be treasured and beloved by all who live and visit the Bay Area.  In March of 2015, I spent nearly a week in San Francisco, CA.  Golden Gate Park has been an especially compelling place, not only because it anchors a substantial bit of nature in the midst of a great and grand city, but for me it also conjures personal fondness as it was the place where my parents were married on February 21, 1969. 

I walked into the park, entering near the disk golf course and found myself wandering down winding trails to a beautiful cradling tree near a placid duck-pond.  Into this tree I climbed and meditated quietly, absorbing the peaceful sounds of nature and gentle ambiance with general enjoyment.  During my meditation, I was lovingly guided to bless Golden Gate Park.  It came as a bit of a surprise, as I had not previously been guided to bless a place before.
As affirmation, when I opened my eyes, I gazed up into the sky above me and saw a beautiful rainbow directly ahead.  This had some significant meaning to me, as I had witnessed a pair of great, grand double rainbows only the day before arching over the Golden Gate Bridge on March 23.  Rainbows have symbolized "God's promise kept" to me and, undoubtedly, many others and whenever I see them, I grow giddy inside.

And so, as instructed, I began to pray and consciously breathe blessings into Golden Gate Park, starting first where I was, stationed in that cradling tree, and then moving on, as guided, to drive the circumference of the entire park, continuing with the blessing.  I blessed all those who entered to be filled with joy and happiness and a sense of peace as they set foot on the grounds.  I blessed all life that grew there to be protected and to thrive, each tree and plant, each insect, bird and creature who called this park their home.

The next time I returned to Golden Gate Park, it was a few months later, and I was accompanied by my daughter in July, 2015.  We found a sunny spot near the Conservatory of Flowers and lay down on an inclined hillside to soak up the sun.  Soon after we settled in, a number of different families, each with small children, began to gather close to us and, independently, decided that it would be a great idea to roll down the hill.  Soon, many children, and some of their parents, were laughing merrily and taking turns rolling down the hill right next to us.  It was a happy contagion. 

Sarah and I walked around the flower beds, listened briefly to an improvisational Latino-jazz band that was stationed on a nearby park bench, then continued to explore the park's smoothly black-topped trails and dirt-soft footpaths. 
We took turns taking pictures of each other in fun, frivolous, extemporaneous poses throughout the park, thoroughly having a pleasant and silly time. It became a delightful mother/daughter time of bonding between us (one of many!), for we share sincere enjoyment in each others' company. 
At some point, we found ourselves once more in a much less heavily trafficked and heavily treed area.  We continued our impromptu photo-shoot whilst lounging along the trunk and branches of an inviting tree.
And then, something amazing revealed itself in a few of the next images that Sarah took of me: a softly glowing orb in white hue illuminating from my heart-center was captured in the following images:

I really did not take much notice of the light emanating from my chest until someone pointed it out to me later.  It was suggested that I look up the meaning of what this may be, and what I was led to discover was titillating.

I typed into Google the phrase "White light glowing from heart" and was lead to the website AuraPhoto.  These are the excerpts that stood out to me:

"Auras that expand out indicate spiritual expansion, expressiveness, extroversion, social activity, desire for connection, gregariousness, positive outlook, sense of adventure."
 "Blue/White: "Peace. Loving, and Balancing" best describe your focus in life now. You are natural, clear conduit for spiritual balancing energy for others as well as yourself. This light colored blue energy indicates you are in a regenerative, restful phase. If you do not work in the energy-balancing arts, you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others with just your mere presence. Presently, your highest goals are to achieve complete inner peace and to develop your relationship with the Creator."  

I have been on a diligent search for Divine Love these past couple of years, indeed reawakening my relationship with Creator/Source and a deeply passionate quest for inner peace.

"White is blinding truth of light. It is pure in pigment and light, like absence of sin and the joining of powers. It is the coveted ivory, the awaited buffalo, the liquid eye, the moon."

The "absence of sin and the joining of powers" is of increasing interest, as I am being guided on this Twin Flame journey of spiritual soul-merge, consciously catching my triggers, re-calibrating my center pillar of stability and strength, and ridding myself of all undesirable, outdated patterns of belief and relationship paradigms into which I had been immersed. 

And finally, the heart chakra: what does it mean when an auric color exudes from one's heart?
"Empathy. The color of your heart is usually the force coming into your being."

Now, if you are like my empirical/science minded daughter, you may simply dismiss the white glow in these images as white light being reflected from my shirt.  However, I have personally experienced far too many etheric episodes and exceptional connections in the past few years to be so dismissive.  The illusory nature of the spiritual experience continues to mystify even the most devoutly concrete personality, especially when it happens to *you*.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Twin Flames Holding Space with Unconditional Love

The Waiting

You have been "awakened and aware" that you are a twin flame, that you are so intimately connected with another person that there is no denial and no escape.  You may have even tried every manner of attempting to disconnect from them, to "cut the cords" or untether your heart to allow you some peace of mind, some sanctuary from the longing, only to discover that this is impossible. You love this person with all of your heart and every portion of your being desires to Be with them... and it yet has to manifest.  Your Twin Flame may not seem to heed the call of your heart, may not seem to respond to your beckoning, may not seem to step into their divinity and may seem to continue to play the static, circling games of illusory 3D. 

You submit, you surrender to the inevitable realization that you must walk through the fire to get to the other side.  You do your inner work, smoothing out the kinks and cramps of old, outdated non-loving patterns, catching your triggers and diligently, mindfully working through responding to outer and inner conflict with love and forgiveness, compassion and empathy.  You find all of your fears and face them head-on, stepping into the fire and walking through the pain, discovering that each test tempers your strength further.

With infinite patience and unconditional love you reach out to your Eternal Beloved and let them know that you will always love them, that you hold the space for them to step into being with you, that you are committed to them and your union, that you have no desire to be with anyone else.

And still, your Twin has yet to fully and completely yield to physical reunion with you.

Many "awakened" Twin Flames continue to wonder about the timeline of their physical union with their divine counterpart, continue to wonder about the direction and installation of their "mission."  You know (and may have known for years now) that you have work to do, and this work is to be done together with your Twin Flame. 

One may become frustrated or irritated with the length of time, the manner in which they will reunite with their twin flame, and even attempt to throw up their hands in despair, wondering how could their Beloved be so blind to the connection, or even have the energy to turn their eyes away from you and continue to wall up their heart?

Twin Flames: The Unity of the Pair

When you start to wonder "why?" they are acting the way they do, or not acting the way you expect them to act, it is imperative to remember that You Are One.  What does this mean, exactly? 

Being a Twin Flame means that you are the same soul expression, the same vibrational imprint as your counterpart- one embodying the more female aspect and the other embodying the more male aspect.  Both of you have lived lifetimes of experience, of expansion of awareness through trial and error in relationship with others, with the world, with belief systems and with the self.  Each Twin Flame pair has encountered beautiful and harrowing experiences, tested the boundaries of relationship to sometimes extreme levels.  We have gone into the deepest, darkest recesses of what it means to be human, sometimes to the detriment of our soul's love and light, causing rips and rifts in our ability to remember the path of Divine Love.

Soul damage has occurred; the pair of Twins has become encumbered by fear and guilt on either end of the spectrum of experience.  One aspect may respond by lashing out or attempting to control others.  The other aspect may respond by withdrawing.  Both responses are evidence of fear, guilt, shame and unstable inner love of self.

Because You Are One with your Twin Flame, it is imperative to remember that, had you walked the same path as your Beloved has walked, you would have responded the very same way!  Do not judge your Beloved Twin Flame in the manner by which they process this Divine Journey into Mastering Love.  This opportunity is another gift for you to Master and embody your own expansive ability to hold the space for them with unconditional love, with infinite patience, with ultimate faith and trust in Divine Timing and with absolutely no pressure! 

Use this time to continue to cultivate your own Mastery of Divine Love, to prepare the stage for your mission together so that your Twin Flame may easily step into their role when it is time.  Keep yourself open and available, holy and pure; be the vessel to receive your guidance by meditation, journaling, prayer, and all methods you have discovered to go within to stay centered within your peace.  Keep constant contact with your intuitive guidance and your higher self.  Remember, harbor no ill feelings toward your Eternal Beloved.  They Are You, and to hold anything less than love is to not love yourself, and not trust in the process that you have agreed upon.

In the meanwhile, keep in mind that the more you can mindfully and lovingly contain this magnificent holding space, the more potential energy you garner, and, like coiled springs, will manifest amazing, mind-blowing energy when you DO come together.