Twin Flames have an immense capacity to love. These particular pairs of souls also have the innate ability to keenly experience each other beyond what one could see and feel and comprehend with any other person, because in Essence Twin Flames are each other. It is a beautiful and unique method for us to start to really LIVE the reality of understanding what it is to be as One with another. The connection between a pair of Twin Flames is more intimate and intense than any other experience of relating to another. It truly is Divine.
Twin Flame couples can sense the other person's emotions and feelings, even hear their thoughts and sometimes taste/smell what the other is experiencing. It is a very raw and very vulnerable place to be because you cannot hide anything from your Twin Flame. Each energetic nuance is felt by the other, from the sweetest tendered compassion to the anguish of feeling controlled or abandoned.
Twin Flame connections are painful, intense, exhilarating, and precious. The Twin Flame journey is a purposefully Designed method for re-calibrating one's self into the wholeness that truly is our state of being. Feeling insecure or unworthy? Don't worry, your Twin Flame will bring that right out so you're forced to deal with it. Feeling jealous? Impatient? Hedonistic? Shameful? Angry? Whichever mis-alignments are present will all come out in heightened states when Twin Flames are together. This braised awareness brings the soul into ultimate alignment because flaws and wounds are unmasked and illuminated, then are able to be noticed in perfect poignancy to be repaired and healed.
The means of a Twin Flame connection facilitates the intimate knowing, then conscious ridding of all the non-loving attributes that have been layered upon us throughout our lives. It is definitely a blessing and those Twin Flames that are growing more aware of each other are truly able to maneuver through this process, as incredible and difficult as it may seem.
One of the goals for awakening and illuminated Twin Flames today is to become guiding factors for how humanity is evolving. Twin Flames are here to help set the new paradigms of how we relate to one another. Not only are more Twins waking up and discovering this somewhat confusing, truly adventurous and often harrowing wild ride, but also more Twin Flame children are being born into the world every day. Humanity is evolving. We are ascending together. We are all connected, and we must help each other with this process. We are beginning to relate to one another on these very subtle, very intimate energetic levels of complete, unadulterated connection. It is beneficial for Twin Flames going through the various physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes to openly share their experiences so that others may benefit when their time of unraveling comes.
Remember to be easy on yourself and each other. Our Source is Love. If you allow it, the world will make you hard and brittle, for it wants you to be broken and separated from the birthright of your Divinity. If you allow it, Love will nourish you back into the supple strength of your superior self, for it is of what we are all made.