Friday, December 26, 2014

Is Santa Real?

My teenaged daughter and I went out to enjoy a leisurely brunch yesterday on Christmas.  We saw a man with long white hair and a long white beard that was dressed up in a dapper red suit.  I smiled when I saw him and pointed him out to my daughter, saying softly, "Look, there's Santa!"  The man was elderly and walked with a black cane.  He had a narrow tube that rested beneath his nose carrying oxygen.  His eyes were twinkling and his smile was bright and  I could tell that he'd dressed up in his dapper red suit around the holidays for years, simply enjoying putting a little magic into the Christmas season.  Old age was not going to make him stop this immense treat he shared with those he met each year.

I was reminded of the time when she was 4th grade and while we were driving home from school, she asked me, "Mom, is Santa real?"  I knew immediately how incredibly important addressing this questions was going to be.  I pulled off into the nearest grocery store parking lot and stopped the car so that I could look at her with my answer.

The short answer was, "No, parents put the presents under the tree before morning.  There is not a man named Santa."  She broke down into tears.  Her little 9-year-old heart was was broken by the idea of this huge perception of Christmas not being real. 

I continued, "But here's the thing, Santa Clause is actually real, he's just more than one person.  All of the grown-ups are Santa Clause and we share that feeling of giving and magic with all of the children.  And now that you know, you can be Santa to other children, too!"

This thought had her eyes blinking with a new possibility of hopefulness and I could see my little girl redefining what Santa meant to her in the grand scheme of things.  She accepted this and then nodded and started to smile when I mentioned how we can help bring joy to so many kids by being Santa for them, especially children that did not have parents close by to do this for them.

Let us always be mindful of how we address these very important questions curious, young minds will ask.  I am thankful to have been able to see Santa Clause yesterday at brunch, to see how much joy being Santa can bring not only to one, but to everyone he encountered with that beaming smile and those twinkling eyes.  We are the keepers of the magic, the makers of good cheer and warm wishes.  It is an empowering mission that we hold and perpetuate.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Creating the New Paradigm of Male and Female Relationships

When two people form a relationship, a new bond forged and a trajectory of how this bond sets course is created.  This goes for any type of relationship, whether the connection is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.  You are setting the parameters with each new beginning and molding the pattern as time and energy is invested in the relationship.  Would you like to be treated with respect?  Act respectfully.  Guide the tone.  Set the bar by your loving example.   How about having fun?  By being playful you're manifesting it.  Act with intention.  Give freely and without expectation.  Love is not conditional. 

Do not overtly or covertly flaunt yourself, ladies.  Our power resides in maintaining our integrity, holding the embers of our passion in the center of our being and letting it guide us with smooth confidence.  It is a huge disservice to our gender to intentionally manipulate men or make other people feel uncomfortable by our sexuality.  We are the life-bearers, the nurturers, the sweet song of creation able to manifest and share great heights of pleasure.  Guard your sexuality and do not give away your power.  You are the keepers of the Divine Feminine Sexual Power and you are teaching people your boundaries, how to treat you as the lovely and Divine Queen that you are.  Hold yourself in reverence, rejoice in your magnificent beauty and shine with your radiance!

Men, honor the beauty of the creature called woman.  Hold this vision of her purity in your heart with reverence.  To love is to give, not to take, pressure, manipulate or coerce.  Do not drain her with your need.  Do not use her for your lust.  Empower that which you love and it shall be returned to you ten-thousand fold.  Women truly want to share pleasure with their Beloved and if they are centered in themselves, will be loyal, steadfast and true when met with equal integrity, trust and respect.

Do not make it inhospitable for women to expose our attractiveness.  We are such beautiful flowers, ready to unfurl without fear of being plucked or pressed, reduced or raped.  Do not take the joy out of what is exquisite by defiling it and lowering its value.  A woman is not an object to hunt, capture and conquer as conquest.  Likewise a man is not to be scorned, ridiculed or snubbed when he genuinely comes with loving intentions and her heart is not to be given.  Thank him for becoming vulnerable to you, for honoring you with his integrity, and respectfully decline his offer with nothing but the most loving heart.  Good, loving and sincere men must be met with the same highly esteemed manner that they bestow to perpetuate the harmony of equality and respect.  

Social patterns are established by families, schools, places of worship, our personal community and the media culture in which we are raised.  Each of us are a part of several of these facets.  How we interact with people in public and in private makes an impression and causes a ripple that extends far beyond the instant it is created.  It takes mindful consideration and pro-active conscious energy to uproot this well-established division between love and sex.  To completely cease unhealthy sexual expression, we must pro-actively re-learn and re-implement our associations, beliefs and behaviors.  We are swimming upstream and turning the cultural current.  It takes effort, patience, cooperation, compassion and diligence if we are to consciously evolve this template of relating with each other.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Calling

Dearly Beloved,

It is not by accident that all of these things are happening to you.  The pressure that you are enduring is only here to press you into being centered.  Diamonds need eons of pressure to become as magnificent as they are.  And you, Beloved, being the diamond that you are, are being excavated so that your brilliance may shine in the world.

You may feel as though you're like a sleeper agent with this awakening that is happening to you.  Coincidences seem to become more prevalent.  Your intuition, discernment and wisdom are becoming prominent proponents of your persona.  You start to see patterns in nearly everything, people, numbers, symbols, songs, and you start to think that the Universe is trying to tell you something.

"Bah!" you say.  "Whatever... there are bills to pay and mouths to feed and games to play and shows to watch. The Universe can wait.  My electric bill cannot."  And you try to go about your usual routine of going to work and coming home, eating dinner and taking out the dog, maybe call your mother...

But it's not working.  Nothing's working in fact.  Work doesn't compel you.  The game on t.v. seems boring.  You aren't hanging out with many people anymore because you don't seem to be able to find as much enjoyment in that these days, either.  You flip through your favorite feed and nothing seems interesting... except something catches your eye and you are compelled to investigate it.  That's odd (your mind says).  Huh.  Quirky.  *shrug*  What's this?  And down the rabbit hole you go... off to Never-Neverland on a wild ride into some real mind-tickling notions.

You start to discover that you're not the only one that's making some of these connections.  You see that others have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together for a while now by bits and bytes.  It is a bit discombobulating, like any birthing process, and the Light is bright, but you start to wonder, really wonder, am I going crazy???

No, you're not going crazy.  Let's repeat: You are not going crazy.  This is important to remember, for you will be challenged multiple times to keep yourself tethered to what you know to be the Truth.

The important thing to realize here is that #1 You Are Not Alone.  #2  You Are Fully Loved and Supported.  #3 You Are Not Going Crazy.   #4 You Are Awakening

Yay!  Congratulations!  This is very good news, believe me, and you'll like what happens next, if you allow it to happen and start to follow your heart.  (If you buck the system and continue ignoring the Signs, things will continue to be difficult and uncomfortable until you get it.)  Synchronicity will start to manifest.  You'll be given more gifts that are pretty amazing.  Everyone's different in how their path takes them to this place, but just know and take comfort in the fact that this is by Design and you are part of the process of creating more beauty, love, abundance, equality and much needed healing in our world.

What do you do now?  Be still and know.  Go within.  The Truth shall set you free.

Go with Love, Beloved One.  Your heart will always steer you in the right direction.

Sacred Sexuality

To all mothers, daughters, aunts and nieces, to each Sister,

To all fathers, sons, uncles and nephews, and to each Brother,

I write these words with the intention of helping to heal the rifted relationship we have with our sexuality.  

We’re all waking up and realizing how imbalanced and disrespectful our relationships have been. We see accountability measures being taken to respect the earth and our natural environment. We’re demanding from our leaders balance, lucidity and accountability with our government and financial institutions. We won’t put up with being stepped on or taken advantage of anymore, pressured, pushed or pulverized into submissive tools which reduce our self-esteem and decrease our joie de vivre.

We’ve been given the tools necessary to make some significant changes in how we relate to each other and our world. The Information Age goes hand in hand with the Age of Enlightenment. With the onset of the internet, we now have an amazing window of connection with the world. We can share our experiences candidly with each other and we’re learning that we’re not alone in demanding more balance and respect in our lives. We are viewing our wounds of injustice and inequality, abuse, neglect and coercion in the light of a new dawn where the individual has more personal power than ever before. We can rise up, share insights, and be the support to forge and channel much needed change. We are starting to understand that to make true and lasting change, it must come from the conviction of the heart and authentically modeled to others for them to witness and perhaps adopt another, more respectful and honorable manner of relating.

Shedding the Light

The light of love needs to shine down and expose our current disjointed patterns concerning many relationships we have with each other. We create the world we live in. I ask that you read my words and take to heart the story I relay, for I have walked this path so many times with so many relationships of being a daughter, mother, sister, aunt, friend, wife, lover, employee, employer, community member, advisor, observer, participant, citizen, mistress, slave, student and guide. I have lived many experiences and have come full circle in realizing the sacredness of sexuality.

Living in Asheville, NC, being friendly with everyone nearby is standard protocol. It is one reason why I love living here so very much, because the healing culture of acceptance and friendly co-respecting diversity nurtures my soul. Being blessed by having an innately open and joyful nature myself, I’ve taken to this friendly cultural norm and quite happily perpetuate it in all of my relationships, equally attentive and genuine with both men and women, children and adults. When I am out, I smile at strangers and often easily strike up conversation. My heart is open and my intentions are pure. These authenticities are what enable trust to form when I connect with others, however brief and fleeting or deep and involved the interactions may be.

When I give a smile to someone, it is a gift of connection and acknowledgement. It is not an invitation to have sex.

I’ve never been hit on or made to feel uncomfortable with another woman by being friendly with them. This is not always true in my experiences with men. I know for a fact that being sexually harassed by bosses, teachers, respected elders and even strangers on the street is not in the minority of what we women have endured. Just because we exude the pleasant ethereal divine feminine energy does not mean that it is an invitation to mate.

I've been given a wealth of wisdom manifested by a deepening spiritual process. I highly suggest that each of us take the time to reclaim ourselves so that we don't feel the need to take our worth, value or pleasure from anyone else. Believe me, I've wanted, I've ached, I've wished to just sweep that crap under the rug and numb myself with whatever frivolous folly that may come around, but in the end, I know the crap is still there, and it still stinks, and it still needs to be dealt with and cleaned up.

It can't be covered with pain-pills or drowned in alcohol or forgotten with pot. It can't be outrun in a fast car, or gilded by glitzy glamor or layered with lust. All of these things are simply distractions from the real issue of self-worth. We've all been hurt, manipulated, used, neglected, abused by people in our lives, the closest of whom seem to have hurt us the most.

Re-forging the Bond Between Love and Sex 


There is a deep and aged schism that has long divided sex and love. Sex has been viewed as a commodity (what is the oldest profession in the world?) and has been manipulated, exploited and abused just as all commodities have been in our currently imbalanced world where might makes right and the ego rules without empathy.

Threading themselves through our sexual relationships over the ages are ribbons of right and wrong, cords of control and submission, lines of lust and apathy, power and fear, pain and pleasure; the dualities associated are myriad. As these attributes have been attached to the axis of sex, what has evolved is a tangled up mess of what is meant to be a beautiful expression of love, the embodiment of intimate trust, mutual pleasure and ultimately the divine creation of life.

There have been two paths women have taken with their female sexuality: to deny it, or to exploit it.

On one end of the spectrum, women have been forced to hide their sexuality for fear of being exploited, abused, taken advantage of or somehow misinterpreted. Wives dull down their sexual expression after being married so as not to awaken jealousy in their husbands or other women with whom they interact. Daughters are hidden and oppressed, sometimes chastised for being too openly expressive of their budding sexuality rather than being taught and modeled what is healthy.

Additionally, and in crazy opposition, female sexuality is overtly manipulated by both men and women as a tool to get what they want. A woman may withhold sex from her mate as a power-play or flirt with others as an offering of proof of her worth. A man may overpower a woman and take what he wants, he may debase her beauty with lusty, groin-groaning glances or lewd and crude cat calls. In both instances, what people think they want is to take power, control and attention when what is truly desired is love, appreciation and enjoyment.

As the carriers of life, sexuality is one of women’s most glorious raison d’etre. We were made to pro-create, to call forth the exquisite power of masculinity to dive in and meld with us. This mysterious essence is what calls two to unite into one. It is the ancient dance between two equal partners that seek only to pleasure each other with swirls and dips and trips to the stars. Sacred sexuality holds the power of creation, of recreation, of being rebirthed, rejuvenated, exalted and elated. When sexuality is stored as holy and sacred and shared only in love, it remains the most potent energy in all Creation because it is the physical expression and manifestation of Love, and cements our emotional, spiritual and mental bodies to each other.

The Ancient and Mesmerizing Power of Sacred Sexuality

It is deeply attuned, sensitive, provocative and stimulating energy.   It is a heady wine that fills the senses with delight and carries you off into the mists of the mystical.   Female sexual power is enchanting, mysterious, compelling.  It is the call to co-create, expand experience and evolve.  When wielded correctly by connecting with the heart through devoted, pure love, this sacred sexual power is quite potent and very, very healing to body, mind and spirit of both partners.

Holding sexual energy with love instead of allowing it to be abused or devalued is not for the faint of heart.  Many people are so used to seeking their value in what other people think of them, and being thought of as sexually attractive is one wide avenue of attention.  Women have abused their female sexual allure just as much as men have raped and abused us.  We all have exploited our sexual power in hope of taking something from another.  We’ve all been wounded; none of us have escaped without a bruised heart or broken trust.  In order to heal these deep wounds, we must take mindful approaches in how we relate to each other.

Keeping Sexuality Sacred

It is the physical manifestation of love and creation. It is not to be used or abused but revered and kept holy. This is the guide for the new template of relationships that carry Divine Love of respect and adoration, of empowerment and equality; this is what balances male and female relationships. After eons of misaligned connections associated with sex, love and power, it is time to rebalance masculine and feminine sexual expression. To experience this, we must model and lovingly accept nothing less than the divine partnership between love and sexuality.

Sexuality is to be held and shared in the sanctity of love. Sexuality is sacred and healing and is not to be given away by women simply because they want attention or power or control over a man; it is far too precious and it has been abused for far too long! There are other ways to get what you want. One very good way is to ask for it, plainly and simply and with love. Don’t turn what you want into a guessing game tendriled with conditions. We’re done with that way of doing things, ladies. It is harmful and manipulative and devalues the sanctity of sexuality just as much as allowing men to objectify us does.

The true power of sacred sexuality is awesome, transformative and healing. It is within each of our abilities’ to hold this intense and passionate fire of sacred sexuality within the cauldron of our divine self and to be mindful of how it is expressed to others. Because our sexuality has been so fractured and is currently so fragile, it must be consciously protected, nurtured and revered with love to again be the fully healing and harmonizing power in our relationships.

Let us walk together in the light of love, for we are the change we wish to see.