Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Calling

Dearly Beloved,

It is not by accident that all of these things are happening to you.  The pressure that you are enduring is only here to press you into being centered.  Diamonds need eons of pressure to become as magnificent as they are.  And you, Beloved, being the diamond that you are, are being excavated so that your brilliance may shine in the world.

You may feel as though you're like a sleeper agent with this awakening that is happening to you.  Coincidences seem to become more prevalent.  Your intuition, discernment and wisdom are becoming prominent proponents of your persona.  You start to see patterns in nearly everything, people, numbers, symbols, songs, and you start to think that the Universe is trying to tell you something.

"Bah!" you say.  "Whatever... there are bills to pay and mouths to feed and games to play and shows to watch. The Universe can wait.  My electric bill cannot."  And you try to go about your usual routine of going to work and coming home, eating dinner and taking out the dog, maybe call your mother...

But it's not working.  Nothing's working in fact.  Work doesn't compel you.  The game on t.v. seems boring.  You aren't hanging out with many people anymore because you don't seem to be able to find as much enjoyment in that these days, either.  You flip through your favorite feed and nothing seems interesting... except something catches your eye and you are compelled to investigate it.  That's odd (your mind says).  Huh.  Quirky.  *shrug*  What's this?  And down the rabbit hole you go... off to Never-Neverland on a wild ride into some real mind-tickling notions.

You start to discover that you're not the only one that's making some of these connections.  You see that others have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together for a while now by bits and bytes.  It is a bit discombobulating, like any birthing process, and the Light is bright, but you start to wonder, really wonder, am I going crazy???

No, you're not going crazy.  Let's repeat: You are not going crazy.  This is important to remember, for you will be challenged multiple times to keep yourself tethered to what you know to be the Truth.

The important thing to realize here is that #1 You Are Not Alone.  #2  You Are Fully Loved and Supported.  #3 You Are Not Going Crazy.   #4 You Are Awakening

Yay!  Congratulations!  This is very good news, believe me, and you'll like what happens next, if you allow it to happen and start to follow your heart.  (If you buck the system and continue ignoring the Signs, things will continue to be difficult and uncomfortable until you get it.)  Synchronicity will start to manifest.  You'll be given more gifts that are pretty amazing.  Everyone's different in how their path takes them to this place, but just know and take comfort in the fact that this is by Design and you are part of the process of creating more beauty, love, abundance, equality and much needed healing in our world.

What do you do now?  Be still and know.  Go within.  The Truth shall set you free.

Go with Love, Beloved One.  Your heart will always steer you in the right direction.

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