It Is Time To Reclaim Your Sovereign Divinity
Ennobled Woman, remember who you are.
For too long have you allowed yourself to be devalued, under appreciated and disrespected. For too long have you allowed yourself to be treated like a slave, a prostitute, a piece of property to be adorned and not adored. Ennobled Woman, remember who you are.
You are the child bearers, the life-givers, the divine carriers of the Sacred Feminine Flame. Ennobled Woman, rise up and model to our daughters the strength inherent within you. Ennobled Woman, rise up and teach our sons that we are to be valued and respected. Ennobled Woman, remember who you are.
Ennobled Woman, you are valuable and worthy of respect. Treat your body well, pamper yourself and allow yourself to be appreciated for the divinity within you, for the sacred seeds of life that you carry each month. Ennobled Woman, remember who you are. Ennobled Woman, do not give yourself away! Remember your mystique, the undercurrent of your power. Ennobled Woman, reclaim your Sovereign Divinity, for it is your birthright. Ennobled Woman, remember who you are!