Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Creation of the Universe

In the time before Time, when the days were endless and there were no nights and everything existed in the hands of Perfection, Brahma enjoyed the company of his consort, his mother-sister-daughter-bride, his constant companion, his treasured Beloved.  They were everything to each other and they were All that the other had.

They enjoyed creating novelties to surprise and charm the other.  They would laugh and play together, sing and dance with one another, each moment an expansive delight in one another’s presence.  All was Perfection and there their joy was unanimous and unequivocal.  

Amidst their creative endeavors, they discovered the true pleasure of playing hide and seek with each other; each of them would take turns with one of them closing their eyes whilst the other tip-toed off to hide, waiting to be found by the other.  With every game, they discovered new and innovative ways to hide from each other, always wishing to give the other a novel riddle as to where they could be found, so that each time the game became more beautiful to behold, more challenging to complete.  It was in this manner that time and space were made, a stage set for their playground.

More and more complex creations were made manifest to enable the expansion of their perfect playground.  Great gardens grew and waters were woven, skies were opened and deep caverns created.  They made many, many realities, always taking great delight in their creations, for this was their most prized game, their joyful uncovering and rediscovering of one another, for they cherished each other very much and were always thrilled to be reunited.

Every world that was made was more spectacular than the previous.  Various rules and regulations enticingly set the nuance of each firmament, thus providing vast variety which enhanced the elements and colored the conditions of each place.  So enamored were they with each other and with their thrill of seeking and finding, that they put much loving energy into the grounds of their glory, and became fascinated by the fantasies of the worlds in which they hid.

At the start of a game, the Beloved told Brahma to close his eyes and to not peek because she had a very special treat for him this time, so he placed a great fog around himself to shroud his vision.  

As her consort counted in wait for her to hide, the Beloved divided herself up into innumerable pieces, hiding herself invariably in incalculable places, sprinkling herself throughout the vast galaxies and realms in which they had created.  In addition to this, she made herself so varied and unrecognizable to him that he would have a sincere challenge finding her in all of her facets of Being.  

It proved to be the longest expanse of the time either of them had ever experienced, so long in fact, that they eventually started to forget who they were, and that they were even playing a game.  

It is into this reality that we find ourselves now, lost and unsure, longing for the love of our Eternal Beloved and all of the missing pieces which need to be placed back together to be fully and wholly reunited. 

Once upon a time we were each other’s delight, and there is still a bit of that sparkle of a dream within our hearts, for that is where the Beloved has put all of her pieces for her perfect partner to recollect.