Creating the Darkness
And the Lord called Lucifer to Him and said, "Lucifer, my most Beloved, most beautiful and powerful angel, I am going to ask you to serve me in a most unusual manner.And Lucifer, in awe and humility as he was in true service to the Lord, said, "Yes Lord, I am thy holy servant. What is it you ask of me?"
And the Lord God, Creator of All, said to Lucifer, "In order to grow and cultivate my people of the Earth, to bring them into full allowance of who they are and can be, I will send you to them to be the Darkness that howls and the winds of adversity, all to strengthen their Faith and bring them into the fullness of their destiny as co-creators in my world."
And Lucifer did not understand but accepted in full service to God, these issues.
"I will cast a veil between us so you will see me but not know who I Am. You will be separated from me but I will always be with you."
And the Lord of All Creation said, "I will give you a host of angels to accompany you on this most holy and divine mission, and when the day of the Lord returns to the Earth to reclaim you and harvest those who are ready to be harvested in my glory, you and your host of angels will return to me, unveiled, and receive the gifts most glorious and wonderful of All for your service to Me."
And the Lord God cast down the angel called Lucifer, along with his host, into the world to lay siege unto the hearts of man to discourage them and deceive them in order to strengthen their Faith in the Lord God Almighty.
And so it was, as above so below, in Heaven and Earth, a division created by God for His people to grow and strengthen them in their hearts, to keep them humble and in awe of the Creator, compassionate and forgiving of each other.
And God wept for his Beloved angel, knowing the task He had placed before him, and the fear and misery that would ensue.
And so darkness crept upon the Earth, in opposition to the Light, that the creation may be given a choice.