Twin Flames have an immense capacity to love. These particular pairs of souls also have the innate ability to keenly experience each other beyond what one could see and feel and comprehend with any other person, because in Essence Twin Flames are each other. It is a beautiful and unique method for us to start to really LIVE the reality of understanding what it is to be as One with another. The connection between a pair of Twin Flames is more intimate and intense than any other experience of relating to another. It truly is Divine.
Twin Flame couples can sense the other person's emotions and feelings, even hear their thoughts and sometimes taste/smell what the other is experiencing. It is a very raw and very vulnerable place to be because you cannot hide anything from your Twin Flame. Each energetic nuance is felt by the other, from the sweetest tendered compassion to the anguish of feeling controlled or abandoned.
Twin Flame connections are painful, intense, exhilarating, and precious. The Twin Flame journey is a purposefully Designed method for re-calibrating one's self into the wholeness that truly is our state of being. Feeling insecure or unworthy? Don't worry, your Twin Flame will bring that right out so you're forced to deal with it. Feeling jealous? Impatient? Hedonistic? Shameful? Angry? Whichever mis-alignments are present will all come out in heightened states when Twin Flames are together. This braised awareness brings the soul into ultimate alignment because flaws and wounds are unmasked and illuminated, then are able to be noticed in perfect poignancy to be repaired and healed.
The means of a Twin Flame connection facilitates the intimate knowing, then conscious ridding of all the non-loving attributes that have been layered upon us throughout our lives. It is definitely a blessing and those Twin Flames that are growing more aware of each other are truly able to maneuver through this process, as incredible and difficult as it may seem.
One of the goals for awakening and illuminated Twin Flames today is to become guiding factors for how humanity is evolving. Twin Flames are here to help set the new paradigms of how we relate to one another. Not only are more Twins waking up and discovering this somewhat confusing, truly adventurous and often harrowing wild ride, but also more Twin Flame children are being born into the world every day. Humanity is evolving. We are ascending together. We are all connected, and we must help each other with this process. We are beginning to relate to one another on these very subtle, very intimate energetic levels of complete, unadulterated connection. It is beneficial for Twin Flames going through the various physical, emotional, mental and spiritual changes to openly share their experiences so that others may benefit when their time of unraveling comes.
Remember to be easy on yourself and each other. Our Source is Love. If you allow it, the world will make you hard and brittle, for it wants you to be broken and separated from the birthright of your Divinity. If you allow it, Love will nourish you back into the supple strength of your superior self, for it is of what we are all made.
I know this all to well <3 For me it is a Beloved in the Higher Realms and a entire Soul Group Consciousness partaking in this Journey, almost all of them completely unconscious to it all. Thankfully I have been very Conscious of a lot of the general and even some deeper details. Still it has not been easy from the surface or dark energies and Beings doing their best to slow or stop the reuniting. I met a woman in April in the most insane Divinely Guided Encounter for each of us. We were both told from within to go to this location, her from NY to Shasta, Ca and me told to leave a park I just got to and to go to another special park where I read and do work. It was amazing, yet I was just 4 days out of chaos from a deep Soul Mate that went into darkness and I was to involved in "saving" her and her daughter, though there was no doubting this Christina girl I was guided to. Most intense and powerful inner and out energy I ever felt from a Human Being, felt more like my Star Family and Angels I work with. I was blown away when we connected our eyes <3 She was mysterious, royal, elegant and powerful, yet so loving and sweet <3 At times it was like she knew everything, then the complete opposite, like she was barely awake. She took my email but, never emailed me to this day. Its been a long hard and awesome 5 months. I will never forget her last words to me that day to when she was to my surprise there again waiting for me. She said " Chris have fun with this dream." It has been haunting me for all these months. I have remote viewed her, had visions of her sitting in my home and my bed and saw her merge with my An-Dr-Ah in the Higher Realms. I feel more now that she "came" down into body to free me up and get me back to my personal and Planetary work as I was to stuck and into my ex. Also feel that I will ascend first, then we will meet up here or another vibration, not sure. I just do my work and love her daily. I love her and miss her so much, yet I have no worries or care as to where she is or her life in general. I dont know anything other then she was in NY and looking to move back to Cali in May and has been coming to Shasta for 3yrs. I just moved here a year ago from Jersey, which is where she was born as well lol <3 2 years ago in meditation I was told by gold faceless energy Beings that "someone is waiting here for you." I felt "Shasta" and had really no clue at the time about this place other then an article I had read a week or two before. Yet my huge heart got caught up in the "ex" and wound up taking on her, a kid and WAY to much for way to long, and bringing them with me. SO I prolonged this meeting I would say, yet I learned a ton and I AM ready, you here me Christina!!!??? Come back #Home I love you for eternity <3 Perhaps I will be the one coming home <3 Thank you for this article, I read it a while back and just came across it again, helps me cope as I feel a huge leap and transformation about to happen as my internal and external bodies are merging with her energies and our Soul, as well as all the Higher Energies I anchor in body and into Mother Earth <3 Much love, Christoper and Christina/An-Dra-Ah <3
ReplyDeleteThank you for your beautiful and insightful words, the sharing of your story. Mount Shasta is an exceptionally powerful place and it brings to surface those energies often easily ignored in other parts of our world.
ReplyDeleteThe time for reunion is peaking. There are many karmic debts needing to be paid prior to the allowance of twins being comfortably in union together. Remember this when you feel your world is caught in a maelstrom of events and energies: You share all types of energy with your twin flame and whatever each of you do will most assuredly ping back in one fashion or another.
Namaste, brother, and may your Light always shine to dispel the Darkness.
Where are other exceptionally powerful places?
ReplyDeleteOur world is full of them!!! Especially mountain tops and ranges, I've noticed. Allow yourself to be guided and you'll be able to feel the energies. Water (especially salt water), crystals and many metals are highly conducive. Ever wonder why gold is so sought after? The reason is more than for its beauty... Sacred geometry also contributes to focusing power, such as the structure of pyramids and also the alignment of ley lines.
DeleteBecause our world is so old, it has been inundated multiple times by rituals, wars and other intensely powered energetic frequencies- positive and negative. Pay attention to what you notice when you are out and about; Nature will speak to you. For example, Northern CA is fairly barren in its landscape, the mountains bare of trees by long ago deforestation and wild fires. When I was in Mount Shasta, I noticed that the outlying areas surrounding the National Forest were covered in wild sage. To me this bespoke the need for purging as sage has been specifically used to help purify (i.e. smudge sticks and clary sage essential oil, as examples) Medicinal plants often spring up where they are needed. Broadleaf Plantain is referred to "white man's footprint" for a reason.
Take some time to go where you are led and meditate there. Open yourself up and allow the area to speak to you. Notice the wildlife, the plant life, the landscape, the feel and taste of the air. It will all speak to you.
Hello friends,I am ALISHA ROSS, This is my testimony on how my ex lover come back to me..i want to say a very big thanks and appreciation to ZUMA ZUK solution home for bringing back my lover who left me for almost 2 year,i feel like my life is completely over, so one day as i was searching on the internet for recommend spell caster who will help me to bring my lover back, Finally i met a writing how so many testimony talking about how ZUMA ZUK help to restore relationship back,so i decided to give it a try so i contacted the spell caster called ZUMA ZUK and explain my problems to him,and he cast spell love spell luckily within 24 hours my lover really called me and started apologizing for all he had caused me.and be begging me to accept him back and will are living together and happily married, I am the happiest woman on earth today because ZUMA ZUK has done a wonderful deeds in my life and i will continue to share this testimony, i pray God almighty give you the strength and wisdom to help more people having similar problem like mine, contact him. Email spiritualherbalisthealing@gmail.com Call or Whats App +15068001647