Living in the Creative Heights
Artists, inventors, philosophers, mystics, and all spiritualists who expend much time and energy in the creative realms ofttimes become so enraptured with their esoteric heights that they may forget to eat, sleep or do other necessary activities of daily living. For example, have you ever been in the groove of your creative or meditative mode and find yourself saying, "I really need to go to the bathroom, but it can wait, I can hold it!" and then, in what seems to be the blink of an eye, you find that three hours have passed and your bladder is extended beyond belief and is not happy. Perhaps you find yourself rushing to appointments and forget to bring items with you that you needed because you've given your time and energy to the creative idea, forgoing the very real and pressing presence of the here and now. It is not that you're lazy or procrastinate; it's that you're preoccupied by the grander plan, the greater schematic, and everything else seems to take second or third (or sixteenth) place. All you really want to do is keep on creating!It may seem silly to even broach this subject, for many people in our society will not be able to relate to not keeping a regimented schedule or a consistent time table. Most people live their lives completely by routine; it is a viable way of living, for living by rote routine provides a very real sense of stability in an otherwise unstable reality. "The world may be falling to pieces, but at least I have my morning coffee." However, most artists and other creative folk have a difficult time keeping a regular sleeping schedule, let alone a breakfast routine.
It Is Important to Keep Grounded to Sustain a Balanced Existence
As one who admits to actively living in the heights of creative mode and much preferring the energy up there, verses the density of dogma, disease, demand and dementia that pervades our mundane world, I can attest that it is quite necessary to remind myself to stay grounded without falling down and losing the joy and freedom for which I have so diligently worked to achieve. This requires a great deal of discipline, finesse, balance and discernment for as soon as one starts to pay attention to the lower levels of living, one may easily become discouraged, disgruntled and as un-eased as the collective. To assuage this downward demise while still keeping a strong tether to the here and now, I have discovered a few very important activities that will work wonders in maintaining the balance necessary to live more fully without compromising integrity, honor or impose unnecessary harm upon the sensitive soul.Be Fully Present In Your Body
So much time is spent out of body, conjuring new ideas, creating novel concepts of awareness, spinning and weaving the warp and weft of our worlds, that we may forget the beautiful sensuality of being in our bodies. We have many sensational faculties with which to employ and to delve into each of our subtle senses. Using conscientious alacrity and aplomb adds wonderful levels of enjoyable awareness we simply may have forgotten. Here are a few ideas to spark the enjoyment of being in your body.Take a Walk, Dance, Hike, Swim, Skip, Roll Down the Hill
Move your body! Remember what it feels like to be actively awake and aware of your movements as they relate to the world around you. Be in nature as much as you are able, for its simple resplendence and beauty will rejuvenate your very soul. Watch the sunrise and sunset, listen to the wind blow through the leaves and see the sunlit patterns cascading through their canopy. Drink deeply of the woodland experience. Inhale the rich beauty of moss and mushrooms. Splash in the surf and skip stones in the streams. Cast your gaze upon the twinkling stars at night. If you do live in an urban setting, go to a park, find someplace that is less chaotic, less maniacal; steer clear of places where there is mayhem to disturb, disrupt and distract your inner peace. Do not spend time in places and amongst people who will cause you worry (i.e. social media, the news, your gossiping neighbors, etc.) This will only serve to deflate and deplete your energies. Likewise consider competitive sports: the layers of desire and division may inhibit your fullest enjoyment of the activity.Care for Plants, Pet Your Pet, Play with Children
Activities which involve other life also stimulate your well-being as long as it is reciprocal in balance. Gardening, putting your hands in the dirt, smelling the flowers, pruning the plants are all very grounding and loving activities that will reward you on many, many levels. Most pets and children have the innate ability to freely give love and joy without being demanding. If you are finding yourself taxed by obligatory walks with the dog or dutiful outings with the kids, this is not going to reset your peace of mind. If you do not have (or want to have) access to your own children or pets, simply observe kids at play or animals in nature. This removes you from the interaction a step, but does allow you to feel the energy and enable you to become replenished by it.Cook, Bake, Bathe and Pamper Yourself and Other Self-Nourishing Activities
How wonderful is it to waltz in the wafting aromas of a gloriously good meal? Each step in preparing food for yourself and those you enjoy can be such a pleasure in and of itself, well before the sharing and consuming of the meal. You create an idea of what to make, you carefully consider and choose the ingredients (maybe you can hand-pick the peaches from the farmers market for your compote or the patiently pluck the herbs from your garden for the soup?) Let each bite be it's own gift and savor your repast with delight.How lovely is it to soak in a warm bubble bath and steep in the sensations of aromatic tinctures, lighted candles, and potted plants, to nurture and nourish your body with oils, to pause with pleasure at the perusal of your own, glorious magnificence? Actively engage your senses. This is celebrating yourself on all kinds of levels by treating yourself well, with respect and utter joy.