Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Discovering The Law of Return

We are existing concurrently in multi-dimensions and timelines of our Self- all fractals of the reality which is whole and complete.

There are certain Laws which govern our existence.  One of the most well known laws is that of Karma, or, more precisely, The Law of Return.  It states: Each thought, deed and action will be returned to you in order to teach empathy, compassion, mercy and forgiveness. 

Be thou aware of the Law of Return.  Cast only what ye wish to catch!

Oh, to be a healer is to cast the light and disperse the shadows.  Blessings come in many forms and flavors, all of which can guide us toward love and unity.

Look deeply at the wound; see the hooks and barbs embedded therein.  Love gently extracts the thorns and thistles.  Love heals the damages inflicted.  Love mends with great care and compassion; with practiced patience does Love gingerly heal all afflictions.  Love always wins, for in truth, all there is is Love.

Let the shadows be dispersed!

Dance in the light of joy and forgiveness!

How precious we are, every one!

What grips and grapples, what ensnares and enslaves, Be Gone!  In the name of Love, Be Gone, Be Gone!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yes, basically manifestation or "You reap what you sow." Mirroring- whatever I put out into the universe is what is going to come back to me. *sigh* I don't have much problem loving humanity. It's "Source" I sometimes get upset with because sometimes I don't like my journey so I wonder why my soul chose THIS experience for me. But I realize that due to this "Law of Return" if I am mad, even at source, then I am going to experience that energy coming back at me. So I am working hard on tempering myself, allowing, accepting. I want to be mainly only loving and gentle and kind inside and out, even in the hidden inner places that no one besides God, Higher Self and my twin soul know. I miss my twin soul so much that "rejoicing" is not always easy but I can achieve the rest: allowing, accepting, forgiving. It's been quite a journey, and I do feel I see things fairly clearly and from a higher perspective than egocentric 3D. I can't help but hope, though, that as I cleanse myself and release the lower energies it will leave room to allow my twin back to me. I just wonder why some people can feel so so loved by God yet I feel like spirit is... ambivalent. I suppose that's something I must work on. Thank you for your message.

    1. Sheds light on why the "Golden Rule" is so pervasive in nearly all cultures throughout history.

      I've gotten irked at God, at the means and manner of how one reaches the pinnacle of enlightenment and I've received constant confirmation that "everything is as it should be," and that we're not given more than what we can handle at any given point in time to thoroughly be able to digest the lessons and be released from the karmic wheel of this world.

      Sometimes I wonder why it's taking so long and I get the reminder: "cease wondering altogether; trust and allow." We'll be given the opportunities to learn what we need to learn how ever many times it takes for it to "stick," if that's 12 years or 12 lifetimes. Lucky us!! In the end, ultimately no one is left out. We are all connected to Source and will all return eventually. That is why this is such a perfectly designed classroom for the soul's expansion of experience.

      BTW: This entire "download" came to me after a most harrowing experience of being psychically attacked at the end of last summer... I asked why in the world someone would do something so heinous to me and received a flashback of a previous life with this person - some old karma coming to light to be resolved in this lifetime - and how to appropriately handle it, what to do, what to say and how to heal it with love and let it go; previous to this most enlightening experience, I did not believe in psychic attacks and I did not believe in past lives. Sometimes one has to live it to believe it, eh?
