Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Pep Talk from Higher Self

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Only doubt, self-loathing and fear.
We create our own stumbling blocks.
The universe is just here to support us.  We are reminded that attempting to maintain balance is in constant motion.  There is a lot of energy devoted to this.  Remember, you can thoughtfully direct this energy.

It’s Not for Naught

It all ain’t for nothing kid.  These lessons are a gift.  In your heart, you know this to be true. 
When you are honest with yourself, truly, deeply honest, then you will be able to start to See.  The veil of doubt you’ve placed over your eyes is shadowy and can obscure your vision.  We create our own stumbling blocks and illusions to defend against the fear of change, rejection, failure, loneliness, instability, anger, resentment- the fear of the unknown.

Once you are ready and take that leap of faith that requires your honesty and sincerity to face the challenge of change, then you are starting Step One of your journey.
Life, through time, will continue to present you the opportunity to wake up.  Sometimes these opportunities will be obvious cross-roads events, times that you are forced to make a life-altering choice.  Denial often sets in at this point, as does fear.  “Do I take the job?  Marry this person?  Have a child?  Stand up for myself?”  

Sometimes your opportunities to change and evolve will appear as sucker-punches to your gut, or you may feel that the rug of stability has been yanked right out from beneath you.

What do you do when you’ve been knocked off your horse?
You could,
1.   Lay there and feel miserable about it.
2.   Complain and kick at the horse.
3.   Get back up, dust yourself off, assess why you fell off and then fix that before riding off into the sunset of your dreams.
(I choose option #3 this time, thank you!)

What does the Lord require of thee but to do justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God.  (Micah 6:8)

Reboot Your System

You are conscious now, awake, and with this wisdom comes responsibilities.  If you run away and try to hide from what you need to do, the issue will only come back again, but smack you harder than before.  

Which challenge are you ready to face? 
The old?
Or the new?

When you choose what life might be like if you took a new path - know that you have more power there, really.  Use the tools that wisdom and experience have given you.  Be brave.  Be honest.  Be aware.  Consciously choose.

Do you have the ability to leap when you need to?  Do you have the resigned patience to wait and stay your impulses?  It takes a balance of both skills to begin to take advantage of the pattern of opportunities that life gives you.

Luck is when preparedness meets opportunity.

Be prepared.  Be on the lookout for opportunities.  They will present themselves to you.

Serendipity, synchronicity- these non-accidental patterns are here for you as landmarks, ensuring you that you are on the right path and letting you know when you have diverged.

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