Twin Flames: How to Viably and Pleasurably Sustain a Higher Standard of Love
Many Twin Flames have been able to reunite with their One True Love in this lifetime. We have been fortunate to have met and rekindled the recognition that sparks between us. Some Twin Flames have agreed (on a soul level) to be together, perhaps even live with each other, during this immensely tumultuous time of purging and clearing the emotional, spiritual and mental bodies. Some of us had an agreement to "touch and go" with our Twin Flames throughout this energetic re-calibration, triggering deeply set patterns of insecurities, fears and sabotaging relationship factors so they could be seen, healed and re-set. It has often been a "blessing in disguise" to experience these dynamics, each of which has been quite necessary to undergo before being able to firmly set yourself into the impenetrable Love Bubble of Divine Love with your Beloved.
The time draws nigh for the waves of Twin Flames who have been energetically intertwining to now live together on a
daily basis. This is the time for which we have been eagerly awaiting and it is full of excitement (and also, perhaps, may be laced with some anxiousness and concern, because it is truly and really here on a physical scale) with your True Love. Here are some tips on how to fully embrace and maintain your bliss together.
Protect Your Union: Guard against Jealousy and Judgement
Your heart wants to shout it from the mountaintops: "Look everyone! We're together and we're in LOVE!" You desire to be vindicated for what you've known to be true, though it may have appeared to others that you were crazy for holding out, and want to finally tell everybody that you're not a lunatic for all that you've been undergoing.
Please wait. (You've already perfectly practiced patience many, many times so this should be quite easy for you by now.) Keep your Reunion private for a while. Stay in your undisturbed honeymoon together without the input and influence of friends and family until your foundation together is solid, stable and you are Guided to "come out," as it were. This is very important! Even if you have developed close friendships with other Twin Flames along this Journey, keep it to yourselves for a time. We've heard the old adage, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." In this case, it very well can be true- you would hope to God that all of your friends and family have the very best intentions for your happiness, however, there are still some niggling aspects of jealousy, doubt and/or judgement that very well could (even inadvertently) be sent your way and become a destructive energetic force between you. You do not need to invite that into your newly found romance at all, Beloveds! So again, be advised to wait until Guided before announcing your Reunion to others.

Spend Time Each Day Making Love with your Twin Flame
Sounds great, doesn't it? The more often that you can ground and deepen your love together, the better your relationship dynamic will be. "Making love" with your Twin Flame is more than 3D sex. It's not a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" type of energy that we're talking about here. It is waking up and gazing into each others' eyes with sincere love and appreciation, smiling from your heart in gratitude and adoration of each other. It is kissing slowly, deeply, sensually. It is intentionally reaffirming your love and bestowing a gift to each other with every touch, every stroke. To love each other thusly is the purest form of worship, and yes, the angels cry tears of joy when witnessing this exchange, for it is beautiful to behold.
Leave Behind the Past and Focus on Creating the New Together
You've worked hard in releasing old pain bodies and neither of you wishes to re-visit them. Do not talk about old relationships. Do not ask, "why didn't you....?" Do not wonder what to
do with each other. The Doing will come on it's own. Right now, it is important to focus all of your energies on Being the Love together. Your greatest
Mission is to Be the exemplars of balanced Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in relationship with each other. The world
desperately needs this, more than anything else right now! If you're at a loss as to what to do or say- KISS each other, for heaven's sake! There's always time for that :) Then you can go frolicking in the park or skipping down the sidewalk holding hands, singing in the woods or at the grocery store and generally spreading your love energies to our world wherever you go together.
Reaffirm Your Vows of Devotion
A very dear and treasured friend of mine expressed the notion of multiple weddings. She expressed her plans to have loving ceremonies with her Twin Flame in small private settings as well as large and elaborate ones. You can "get married" and reaffirm your vows to each other as many times as you'd like, and all over the world! This life is your adventure with your Twin Flame- you are creating the dynamics of how you'd like to Be together. Be creative, have fun and above all, Be the Immaculate Love that you came here to Be! Make every day your dancing day! Claim each moment as precious and treasure the time you have together. Always give thanks and never,
ever take your Twin Flame for granted. You are the light of their life, as they are yours; you are both benefactor and beneficiaries of your own true love story. With the radiance that you give to each other, be assured that the whole world is indeed elevated by the gift that you Are together.
Go Forth and Prosper
Employ all the Mastery that you've worked so hard to achieve and use it to guard against insecurities and fears, jealousy, anger, lust, debauchery, obsession, feelings of lack or judgement and all of those imbalanced and lower vibrational tendencies that you've now abolished. Use discernment wisely. Stay away from drama and negativity. You are living in the realms of the freedom of Faith now. Remember: You are highly treasured and immaculately protected. Enjoy your new life together, Beloveds!
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