Thursday, December 29, 2016

Dispersing the Dark by Being the Light

So... I never believed in most of what has been revealed to me since this Awakening shift jolted me out of my previous limited and dis-empowering belief system. Honestly, I feel like I'm a "sleeper agent," having undergone amnesia to completely immerse into this human sense of reality to understand it and to be the bridge, helping to assist others with first hand-knowledge, perspective and experience because I have undergone similar rifts and fissure with love.

At any rate, one of the things I had not believed in were demons. I thought, if I didn't believe in them, then they could not exist and how silly it was to be so medieval in my thinking.. demons- bah! It's all semantics, anyhow, and it can be said that these are simply jealous and judgemental energies, parasitic in nature, that feast off of lower vibrations such as fear, shame, envy, greed, lust, insecurities and other imbalanced, misaligned, non-loving manners of Being.

At the end of last summer, 2015, I experienced a full-on psychic attack that hit me (and my cat!) because I stood my ground and called attention to some sinister activities. I called upon Arch Angel Michael and asked for protection and was informed with clarity: You ARE the protection. You ARE the light. And so, I was directed to banish the darkness with authority using my own light, allowing it to disperse and leave me.

 I asked my Guidance why it was not vanquished, completely obliterated instead of simply being allowed to move on to someone else and the answer that I was given was that the Darkness has every right to be here, just as does the Light. It is only when there is no where for it to find purchase in anyone that it will move out and away from this world- meaning every one needs to release fear so the darkness has no where to settle in. The best way to disperse the darkness is to beam it with love and light and command it to leave with authority.  You do not need to be scared of the Dark.  Simply do not allow it to intimidate you.  Keep yourself pure by sending love to anyone who is in need of healing from afar.  You do not need to be in the fray to be effective in healing those deep wounds which may cause people to act out of insecurity and desperation.

Do not feed fear or it will grow.  Focus on Love, on Unity, on compassion, forgiveness, mercy, discernment and liberty.  In this manner, we will continue to create and sustain beauty in our world.

There are those who need healing and those who are the healers and all of us are within that spectrum, having experienced both.  Keep this in your heart when you come across others who wish to attack or distract or keep you from embodying your Higher Self.  Have mercy, send them love and keep yourself protected and disentangled so that you are not engaged and feeding it anything less than love (like worry or concern, for example).  Love it and let it go.

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